The Power of Focus


Common distractions that keep us from pursuing purpose …

  • Technology
  • Media
  • Idle Relationships
  • Hobbies
  • Poor time management + workaholism
  • Image management

I am doing a great work, I can’t come down!

Case Study: Paul, a focused influencer…

  • Acts 20:24
  • Philippians 1:21
  • Philippians 3:12-14
  • 2Timothy 4:7-8

1Cor.9:24-7Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step.

What are your…

  • Big Rocks: the things you want to be remembered for?
  • Distractions: the things you need to ruthlessly eliminate from your life?

Please post you comments on the sermon right here!

24 Responses to “The Power of Focus”

  1. me, myself and Irene Says:

    Absolutely phenomenal service! I’ve been away from church for a couple of weeks due to work, and I can only imagine what I’ve been missing. The praise and worship was just lovely, that Daddy Owen song was truly deep, and the sermon….indescribable! Thank you so much Pastor M and all your team for stirring in us a revolution- to become who we were created to be. I have to go now as I’m doing a great work and cannot be here much longer:-)


  2. Muhadhara Says:

    Loved the worship!

    Pastor M, I also finally got to listen (and not hear) the sermon and indeed learn to place God at the centre of the vision. God also places lessons from great people as roadmaps to achieving one’s vision. Really awesome!

    Keep up the good job and baraka mob!

    P.s. : is it Ok to invite a friend of mine currently on a self-imposed exile from Mavuno? I know he misses Mavuno lakini he doesn’t want to show it..


  3. When we did the “True North” series last year, I really had a hard time trying to figure out what this purpose thing is all about and when the sermon series came to an end, I was like phew!

    I have found the “Dare to Dream” series to be sort of the season 2 & 3 of the “True North” sermon series and what has made the difference is going through with it with our Life Group (LG).
    – The sermons have made much more sense as we have discussed it in every meeting
    – As a group, we have begun asking ourselves those questions, what really makes me angry and beginning to do something about it.
    – We have been able to call out each others passions, dreams and aspirations and help each other out in “Sanballat” situations
    – The list endless… and I just cannot wait for our LG meeting this week when we get together and lay our distractions on the table and power each other to focus.

    As for janas sermon, Pst. M… that was harsh:) I was submerged in my seat, face in my hand until I realized the person seated next to me suffered the very same distractions! After the service I had planned to nap but went through the “Paul” verses you shared during the sermon and came across another verse that made me “shingo upande” decide not to sit infront of the TV:

    “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. (1 Cor.10 23 – 24)

    Like Irene, I have to go now as I’m doing a great work and cannot be hear much longer:)


  4. gogetter Says:

    The Power of Focus sermon was quite uncomfortable for me.See am one of those who really want God’s Dream but have a bit of an issue staying focussed; I want to wake up when I feel like, eat what I want and pretty much be like a wild horse trotting and doing my thing. Yesterday was a harness for me, focus is what I require; Making a deliberate effort to wake up and seek God in prayer, reading His word not out of obligation but out of love and necessity for I just cannot live without this word, understanding that I am called to a great work, the extra hour of sleep, the black forest, the movie, the expensive coffee cup is but a distraction.
    Am very uncomfortable about this but I know that is why I was at Mavuno yesterday, for such a time as this.


  5. Njuguna Says:

    Eveery time i come to Mavuno for service, i leave the Church depressed coz, it seems God only loves those who went to good schools, doing good jobs and have great businesses. for me who failed in my high school and is currently jobless and hopeless, there seems to be no place for us…
    i feel like commiting sucide..


  6. Joshua Azikiwe Says:


    Am waiting for you in Church. Please come over and talk to me or any other Pastor.

    Please do not fail to do so. TAFADHALI

    Am waiting for you



  7. huwat???? truly i have seen that i really do waste time with things that dont and will never help me! esp. that box for idiots (tv) yaani i think three quaters of my life is spent watching that thing. you know what pastor m, its about time i took responsibility and did somethng constructive instead of wasting time watching that thing ( i cant even remember its name anymore 🙂 ) thanks passie God bless thee


  8. The past two months have been riddled with serious contemplation with regard to what I want to live for.There are times i have felt so small not to leave a mark while other times I have seen myself having outlived myself.But when the revelation that-God’s vision requires God’s provision-was sent home,I realised how selfish living does not count at all.It’s been almost incomprehensible that God would want me to live for Him through what I do with myself but the message is slowly but surely sinking.

    Two questions though:(Back to Happily Ever After)-is it a MUST that one is pursuing the same Vision with their spouse?Just curious.Please advise before i mistakenly tell my soulmate-I’m doing a great work I can’t come down!Am still single.

    Then;What do you think I lack or need to work on:I seem to be sure of what I want to pursue but when opportunities come,I seem so overwhelmed till I lose sight of my big picture goal.

    Fearless Influencer In The Making,


  9. Ed Nyamu Says:

    A fitting series closing sermon…one not only for the collections but one that I must do something about! To do nothing will border on sin…


  10. 4cusser Says:

    I would so blog all the lessons I’ve learnt from this message but I’m doing a great work….! I’ve found a spiritual home in Mavuno and not quite been able to express why or how; until Isaac (Limit X) phrased it perfectly: Mavuno is a church that speaks to our generation WITHOUT compromising the gospel. My thoughts exactly!


  11. Hi Pastor M.
    My Fiancee and I came to visit Mavuno 3 sundays ago,but we are still here.Our lives have been transformed to say the least,so we are still seeking God,on if we should make this our home church.

    On Sunday’s sermon,I have personally not checked facebook since jana,and neither am I on chat.Where am concerned,thats a miracle,yaani,I dont even know what to say.Am doing a great work,and yes,if my waking up today @ 3am is anything to go by,then I believe Iam on my way to accomplishing which the Lord has called be to.

    Now,for Q & A,I would like to know,I have a job,and am not complaining.But I believe inside me there’s so much potential to do much more than what am doing at the moment. As in, am in admin right now,but I have a passion for Christian Counselling. How do I work at what I have now,with the picture of what I want to be,coz it will mean a total change of careers? Hope this makes sense.

    Ubarikiwe pastor M,you and your family.


  12. Paul Otieno Says:

    Truly inspiring teachings from our Lord. May He continue inspiring the Pastoral Team and all who hear His word to be able to be focused on “doing” the word not just listening to it. God bless His chosen ones.


  13. @ Njuguna,

    l joined Mavuno when l was jobless, had no money and staying at my brothers house….oh and am 38!! l now know in hindsight that God was teaching me something during that period. i actually purposed to trust my life to HIM and let HIM stress about the things l should have been stressing about. HE has been faithful to me. i finally got a job in April, and moving out in July. Don’t worry, everyone is at different points in their walk with Christ. Its between you and your God. Focus on that. Do not focus on who went to what school, has what business or has money. God bless you


  14. Wendy 1 Says:

    It is possible to feel lost and hopeless in a world that seems to favour others and not you.You may be surprised to know that even people with great jobs, great professionals and business people also feel the way you do.
    We do not always have the answers to life’s questions but hear is an encouragement..Psalms 9.9-The lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.Those who know your name trust in you, for you O lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you.Also read Isaiah 26.3- You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you.
    May the lord give you peace and may you delight in him and he shall give you the desires of your heart.
    I write to you as one is giong thru a trying time and as I say a prayer tonight, I will remember you in my prayers.


  15. of late i have really been struggling with my identity and man did the worship team clear all them doubts that i had!!! i thank God for mavuno andall that am turning out to be coz of you guys. then passie after you gave your storo of high school when you started waking up early adn all, well i decided to adapt your example and well its working! i get so much done when i wake up early adn even do my morning devotion before leaving for work! yaani am on top of the world i tell you! my body these days is so pissed off with me coz it has to do as i tell it adn not as it feels!! .. i gotta go coz av got a great work to do! blessings/


  16. thekenyannutcase Says:

    great of my greatest distractions is the internet-social networking in so many i can never miss someone to chat with when derailment to the use of the internet for gathering information.

    my Q&A for unplugged- the role of significance in our our visions.I’ve watched the significant church and significant life by jim graff.great stories showing how God is concerned with propotion and not amount/numbers/size eg the story of the poor widow giving her offering and jesus saying she gave more than all the other guys.

    am just thinking after your sermon series daring us to think/dream big can our visions be BIG in a SMALL way?as in it’s great to dream of having a business that has a billion shillings turnover but what about a small business helping guys make end meets-significance?


  17. @ njuguna…you’d be surprised to know that many of us have felt like ending it all coz life just seemed too hard..but i finally learnt where to take my problems and thats to the foot of the cross..where we find mercy and grace to help us in our time of praying for u now..may Gods loving arms enfold u and fill u with his peace.
    God bless.


  18. @ Njuguna

    Jesus loves you so much and even in that hopeless states He is holding you through, He promises a great and expected end, He would tell you your future but He says that His is a lamp unto our feet and not a crystal ball into the future,..He knows the trubbles of the journey and will provide grace even now that you really need it,…you could be hopeless in the job situation but don be hopeless about Christ hold on because your blessing is on the way,….


  19. Have to say was truly blessed with mavuno…twas my first service n i was impressed..been stragling alot with my christian life as i am a new believer n Passie really helpd me clarify alot of stuff..dnt knw my Gods vision but i am praying God shows it to me..i am tryn to adapt to al the changes n my life..t has been hard but i believe the same God that saved me will sustain me…n the song in my heart is As i am, As i am, n my weakness, God help me understand that u Love me..U a real Blessing as a church..God bless


  20. Pastor M Says:

    Hi all, thanks for all the great posts and responses! Have been blessed reading them. Quite a few people asked me for the TV Psalm from Sunday’s sermon. Here it is…

    The TV is my shepherd,
    I shall not be in want.
    It makes me to lie down on the sofa.
    It leads me in the paths of materialism, sex and violence for mediocrities sake,
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of God’s vision,
    I will fear no interruptions:
    For the TV is with me,
    Its cable and its remote control, They comfort me.
    It prepares a commercial before me, in the presence of my worldliness.
    It anoints my head with humanism and consumerism;
    My coveting runneth over.
    Surely laziness and superficiality shall follow me all the days of my life,
    And I will dwell in my house, watching TV
    For ever.

    (adapted from the Friendship Book of Francis Gay)

    Please keep posting any questions you’d like us to discuss regarding the whole series (or anything to do with vision) this Sunday. Have a blessed rest of the week!


  21. @Njuguna,

    i dint have money to go to a good college, thogh i had passed my kcse. i did my diploma and waited onto the lord. when i joined mavuno, i was still in college “sponsored” when my sponsorship was over a semester before my finishing, my dad passed. i dint know how my life would be but he provided everything. i completed my shule in november, dint even go for an internship but got a jobo in January 9th (my birthday). i moved from my sponsor’s place and got myself a house. i am graduating in november but still in job.

    this is to tell you that god is the provider. he will see yu thro,. don give up. be faithfull in all small and big things. give him his piece of cake(10%) in everything you get. he will also be faithfull to you. invest in his kingdom and you will never be bankrupt. i wish you listened to the money series that we had at mavuno early this year.

    god loves you njuguna and any other person in the same situation. i promise you my prayers and those of my friends and for real, your life will never be the same again after trusting in god.

    by the way, there must be something that god wants you to learn, surrender or do in this situation. listen to him carefully and talk to any pastor or prayer concillor after service.

    bless u


  22. Pastor M,
    please clarify for me a few things about vision and purpose
    am convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that am supposed to work with young people ages 16- 30.
    am currently in the helping profession but i cant say am working with them directly as such.
    my passion is to see young people who know their identity, their strengths limitations and working towards exploiting their potential. i get upset when i see young people wasting away and living lives of hopelessness and without direction.
    question- so how do i get to know Gods vision for me in that area and what must i do to start plugging in ?

    the other area of concern for me is parenting in our current generation- am a parent and i can appreciate the different challenges and pressures we go through to bring up our children and yet when i listen to the issues of parents and children as i work among them in my vocation i notice parents trying to live their lives through their children and unfortunately this ends up bringing bad blood and conflict coz kids are caught between what they want and their parents want- most of the antisocial behaviour exhibited by kids in schools is as a resutl of issues at home- my heart weeps for the childrent and their parents
    Question- how do i get to know what God wants me to do specifiically in that area ???

    many more issues arise but for now -let me see whether this makes sense.


  23. concernedwife Says:

    What is God’s purpose in a family vision? Can the husband lack vision/motivation while the wife dreams big enough for 2? Does it go against God’s plan for the wife to drive the vision of the family? What if the husband doesn’t have the inclinication to do it?


  24. Hi Pasy M.
    Men you made me feel Shallow, hee the five things you are living me made me feel I was wasting my life. Not that I Dont have Goals or they are not big enough I felt like I should leave for something more and am Guessing its back to the dream Giver.
    I have enjoyed the Series and I will be there for the grand finale then back to my Home church for another month then I will be back.
    I have loved it and I have learnt alot…. Please give us a Hint of what is next???
    To the Mavunites a Lovely Fellowship, Great Teachings and I love you all Especialy Pator Gloria and Azik.


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