Man Enough – eFlyer


Click image to download the eFlyer for our March Series “Man Enough!” (121KB)

7 Responses to “Man Enough – eFlyer”

  1. Elias muraguri gitau Says:

    the sermons for the love month have helped me a lot especially in my relationship, i would want to learn more. Elias frm thika town


  2. Hey Pastor M,
    I understand today is your birth day, if yes Happy birthday, i wish you all the blessings and Good health many many yrs to come so that u can continue blessing me the way u do.
    Happy Birthday and if there is a bash u can tell us we crush


  3. Will the real men please stand up? It is not easy. Are you man enough? Sometimes, but sometimes… What happens when the man gets tired; when his resources have been depleted so much so that slight provocation could turn him back to a boy? No, no. There’s no room for that. “Men, be godly leaders. Spiritual leaders.” Men are the ones whom God holds responsible for the spiritual direction of your home.

    A man, in your own right, is considered a leader. Brought up to be defenders, providers, burden bearers, motivators, courageous, confident, righteous, insightful, debonair, role models. And so selfishness must be put away. I remember I fed myself when I liked and how I liked. The tedious details of what not to eat, when not to eat, how not to eat were sequestered to remnant memories of a mother you remember once fed you.

    But now, you must be ready to feed another…others. The burden of one now includes infant mouths to feed. It is not easy. When the heavy load becomes painful to carry where do you rest? It was once scary to think that one day I would grow up. Now that the reality is here, I am scared of not succeeding. Mom isn’t there to bandage the “boo boo’s” & sores anymore. My burden now includes infant mouths to feed.

    Inspiring faith in others…when you’re past is riddled with inconsistencies; hoping that just one could see past it, to trust you & be in your corner. Just one. Anyone.
    It is a difficult thing to find yourself in a time of great struggle, suffering and heartache, without the ability to change anything. I think that is just basic to life. However, it is easy to hear and agree with that statement and not feel the weight of it, like one nodding in agreement that Jesus’ time in the Garden of Gethsemane was difficult without coming close to feeling the gravity of the situation that drove Jesus to say, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death” (Matthew 26:38). So what do you do in those moments when no one has to tell you to feel the weight of the situation because it is pressing on your heart with such mass that you cannot utter a sound, and the aching in your soul longs for that which it cannot accomplish?
    And this morning the aching of my heart was there, and it was deep. And I began to ask myself, “What do you do when the gravity of a situation is pressing upon you so deeply, and you can do nothing to bring about your desired end or change your circumstances? What do I do to leave the front porch, get into the car, go to work, and live to the glory to God the rest of the day?”

    As I asked that question this morning, my mind instantly walked back to Christ in the garden, for we do not have a great High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in every way that we are. Therefore, I believe I can conclude that He was tempted to long to have the control that only His Father had, for that was my temptation today. He might have been tempted in the garden to want the control that said, “Even if there is no other way, I will not drink this cup.” So what did He do?
    Peter writes in 1 Peter 2:23, “When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly.” Jesus lived His life continually deciding that He would entrust Himself to a just Father. He simply trusted His Father. In the same way, Peter calls his readers a couple of chapters later to do the same, writing, “Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good” (4:19). Here, I think is my answer.

    In the garden, Jesus desired and even prayed for a different end than drinking down His Father’s wrath on the cross, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 27:39). And again as His soul was aching, He prayed, “Father, glorify Your name” (John 12:27-28). He entrusted His soul to one whom He knew, one whom He loved, one whom He trusted, one whom He longed to see glorified before all men.

    Today I feel that my soul is in a similar position. I ache; I hurt; my soul is sorrowful. I long for one outcome over which I have no ultimate control. So how do I go on and live this day to the glory of God? I think I must entrust my soul and (maybe even more so) the soul of my future (my children…my wife), to my Father, whom I know, whom I love, whom I trust, whom I long to see glorified before all men.
    Father, if it be possible, hear and answer the aching cry of my heart. I trust you; to you be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    No one said it would be easy, but no one told me it would be this hard either. Will the real men stand up? I will stand, shaky knee’d and sweaty browed, but will stand; and encourage others to do the same. The pressure of success against failure is daunting now that the father figure you are is being established. Failure is not an option and yet success sometimes feels like an elusive silver-lined cloud you only hear stories about.

    So I will stand, even though I feel I won’t last on feeble legs. I will hold up another so at least for one, the burden is a little lighter and hope that another will help hold me up when I need it. We are men still…but still in need of a father. And though I can stand proud and call myself a father figure, I am still but a child leaning on the Father so I can remain man enough to be called father.



  4. wow! i appreciate that its not easy being a man in this age. alot is expected of u but i know God has put in men the ability to be just like Him. so let men run to their master just like Jesus did before he was crucified-when he called on God to take away the cup of suffering but also for His will to be done.


  5. queen E Says:

    @ Mark hey!! you are really deep. I feel like i sneak peek your very personal journal- but am glad to see a man who’s not only intouch with his emotions but can even share them with us. Even strong men struggle – but they too can lean on God. (He- motions by TD Jakes).
    God bless and hear ur cry.


  6. Pastor S what you preached on sunday really touched me as a woman who had issues with her dad. i stood and you prayed for us and helped us release our fathers and that was pretty powerful. it just hit on me spot on because it has been an item am working and praying about this season. i did get time to go and have a chat with him and am glad this time round it was not as painful and heavy laden as it usually is when i go to visit him.thanks for helping me walk this journey of forgiveness and begin my entry into supernatural and divine blessings.

    something you said about fathers calling out their daughthers in to their identity and realised i didnt have that while growing up and now i have my heavenly father who is calling me out to greatness!! that was so awesome…

    this message is powerful. keep it up


  7. waithera m Says:

    Been totally blessed by the messages on happily ever after wish had taken these lessons earlier on but kinda late now but will make good use of them in ma next marriage. I am from USA and was in kenya for almost 3 months and I see why i kept having the desire the join Mavuno as ma church while in Kenya . I do clearly see what god wanted me to connect with. I listen to sermons on the internet and all that I can say is for god to increase your boundaries,faith and prosperity to continue impacting many, not only in africa but this far too. Love it ,Love it!. Be blessed.


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